How much does it cost?
- It is free to advertise for candidates with us
- If you hire a consultant, a smaller percentage of the hourly rate will be charged
- For permanent employment, a lump sum at the beginning of the employment or a smaller percentage per month will be charged. The method of payment is completely up to you.
- Our prices are always all-inclusive
Why use Talent Finder® by Innovation Support A / S ?
- We focus on the Biotech – and pharmaceutical industry
- Talent Finder® finds the best matching candidates
- Talent Finder® utilizes many different methods in order to find the matching candidates
- Talent Finder® uses new technology to handle the complexity in achieving the right match
- We are recruiting exclusively within our own professional disciplines and areas
- We find and offer candidates who are not actively seeking jobs
- We make it easy for our graduates to seek and find jobs
- Many candidates are only available through Talent Finder®
- We see the hiring process from different angles; the company’s busy schedules and the candidate’s frustrating search alone. Finally, we approach the process in relation to our society as a whole – focusing on the best possible earnings and a good employment rate for everyone
- Innovation Support A/S is always looking for new ways and opportunities to reduce recruitment time and increase the quality of match
- Talent Finder® cooperation has 25,000 employees and more than 300,000 graduates from 300 offices in 75 countries. Hence, we are better equipped to find the right candidate fast
- Talent Finder® is suitable for all candidates as they are offered 100 % anonymity while having their profiles available for new challenges
- Talent Finder® candidate search reaches out to universities via younger and older alumnus networks , unemployment funds , trade unions, job centers and other professional and social networks
What does Talent Finder® know about our market?
- At Talent Finder® we know our specialists and are able to provide your recruiting team with valuable candidates
- We know how to reach out to the qualified candidates and we know their expected compensation, job expectations and other possible complexities revolving around the hiring process
- The market may be drained for certain expertise, however, we always find and suggest competent alternatives
- The Talent Finder® team is your partner acting as your eyes and ears in the market
What are the advantages of cooperating with Talent Finder®?
- Finding the best talent is on the agenda of most organizations. Therefore, close cooperation between your internal team and Talent Finder® provides you with valuable talents before other organizations get their attention
- Even the best internal recruitment team will enjoy advantages working with our specialized Talent Finder® team. Our team helps managing and finding candidates for you. We call this Match Care.
- We can get even a passive candidate showing up for an interview, in that our screening interview takes place in a relaxed environment in which the candidate will feel our support
- We introduce and train the selected candidate for your QMS and corporate culture in accordance with your guidelines
What does the candidates know about our business?
- Our experts and talents are most likely experienced within in your specific business or similar. This gives them a competitive advantage to applicants in general
How do Talent Finder® work with graduates
- Our team search and selects specific graduates. Furthermore, our team supports and educates our graduates during the initial period of the job. This results in a smoother introduction to their new functions as a resource on your projects
Why use Talent Finder® instead of finding our own applicants?
- Why attract a bulk of applicants when you can get attractive, suitable valuable candidates? Many candidates are hard to find. They are not interested , not actively seeking or are too busy to search for new opportunities. Sometimes, they they do not even see themselves as attractive talents. Furthermore, they may not be interested in contacting the companies directly because conversation is not considered equal
- To many candidates , the likelihood of a positive outcome of a straining job search is too small. Hence they do not find it attractive using their resources in this activity
How does Talent Finder® affect our company brand?
- Large companies invest a lot of time and money in developing and marketing themselves as good workplaces while many small businesses do not have the same resources. Whether you are a large organization or a small business, Talent Finder® will recommend your business to valuable matching candidates. This leads to much better candidates for your projects or permanent positions.
What about strategic skills and resources?
- Talent Finder® can give you access to resources for the important strategic skills you need for a short or a long period. When talents are hard to find, even a short-term contract is better than no contract
- The use of talent on short notice are widely used by Talent Finder®’s customers. This provides flexibility when unforeseen or new challenges are affecting their project plans
What does Talent Finder® affect my budget and resources?
- With Talent Finder® you will find that your lasting longer and the resources more productive in their work.
- At Talent Finder® we select the resources matching your tasks and we combine skills and competences to give a better execution of your tasks